
Showing posts from October, 2020
                                                                              SIKKIM           LAND OF DANCE AND TRADITION    LETS SEE WHAT THIS PLACE OFFERS US WHEN IT COMES TO THIER    TRADITION OF FOLK DANCES            1. Folk Dances of the Lepchas Chu Faat Dance :- This dance is specifically performed on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Buddhist calendar of North. Lepcha community performed this dance to dedicate the peak of Mount Kanchenjunga along with its companions Mt Narshing, Mt Kabru, and Mt Simbrum. These peaks are believed to contain minerals, medicine, salt, and food grains. And so, their power is celebrated in the form of dance. Zo-Mal-Lok Lepchas are considered one of the oldest tribes in the world an...